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Friday, March 9, 2012

TOTAL FLUKE: O’Reilly Traces Sandra Fluke to Former White House Adviser. BRAINWASHED Students Hold Silent Protest After Professor Backs Limbaugh in Blog Post

Ever wonder who is booking Sandra Fluke — the contraception advocated paraded around by Nancy Pelosi — on all those media appearances? And ever wonder if there’s something bigger going on with her? Bill O’Reilly is and he has a theory: the White House is behind it all. And now he’s uncovered a little nugget that plays right into that theory: Fluke is being represented by a PR firm partially run by a former Obama adviser. READ MORE...


A University of Rochester economics professor in New York had about 30 students stand silently in his classroom Wednesday to protest comments he’d published on his blog defending Rush Limbaugh after he called a Georgetown Law student a “slut.”

Rochester professor Limbaugh protest
Economics professor Steven Landsburg

Steven Landsburg wrote in a post titled “Rush to Judgement” that Sandra Fluke, while deserving “the same basic respect we owe to any human being, her position…deserves none.” Her belief that contraception should be subsidized, he said, “deserves only to be ridiculed, mocked and jeered.” READ MORE...

These students are trained to hate Rush Limbaugh, having never even listened to him, similar to how a dog is trained to sit. At least the dog is learning something...

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