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Friday, March 9, 2012

SHOCKER! ABC Takes Jack-Hammer to Obama Campaign Video

We should be surprised ABC did this report with some honesty. We shouldn't be surprised that this documentary was directed by the creepster Davis Guggenheim, who also directed Al Gore's propaganda film an Inconvenient Truth, and even won an Oscar for it, even though there was no truth to the movie. And there's no truth to this 'Obamamentary' either.

If Al Gore's movie had any truth to it, he would be treading water right now holding on to parts of his ocean front mansion and the entire cast of 'The Jersey Shore' would have drowned already.

Then we found out that 'man made global warming' is a big hoax. Then 'climategate' arrived. Then the Oscar was supposed to get stripped. Then the left changed it from 'global warming' to 'climate change' because of the cool summers. Then it snowed in March and they called it 'global cooling.' These people are FRAUDS. Give us a break!

Seriously Inconvenient Truth: Producers of Gore’s Film Asked to Return Oscars

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